Your Wellness Brand Banner - The 7-Step Roadmap to Creating an Online Presence That Magnetizes Clients
Shift from confused, stuck, and overwhelmed to confidently embodying your message, promoting your offers, and building your authority - in 14 weeks.

Applications Open for Fall 2024

Your Wellness Brand Banner - The 7-Step Roadmap to Creating an Online Presence That Magnetizes Clients
Shift from confused, stuck, and overwhelmed to confidently embodying your message, promoting your offers, and building your authority - in 14 weeks.

Applications Open for Fall 2024

“The initial response to my social media posts has been overwhelmingly positive. I now have 5 paying clients and I haven’t even launched my website yet.”
Integrative Leadership Coach
“I wouldn’t have such clear direction if it wasn’t for your mentorship in YWB. Thank you, thank you!!”
Amber Keyes
“Blair’s program is the best investment I’ve made…ever. She helped me bring to life an idea that I couldn’t see clearly until we worked together. Because of her, I can do the work I most want to do to serve the world which is invaluable. She’s the best at what she does and has a true gift.”
Women’s Health Coach, Doula, and Birth Educator
“YWB made all the difference for me in transforming my fledgling coaching practice that I was trying to get off the ground via DIY, self-paced courses, and piecing together advice from podcasts. It completely changed how I show up as a wellness professional.”
Nutrition & Wellness Coach

Your calling is calling you.

To turn your idea into a real business.
To evolve what you’ve already built.
To make your work visible and authentically branded.

Whether entrepreneurship is new to you…

Or you’ve been one for the past 5, 10, or 20 years…

You know on a cellular level that honoring this inner knowing—the nudges, the sensations, the visions – is the only way forward.

Even if it terrifies you, even if it’s risky, even if it’s way outside your comfort zone.

Because, well, it’s why you’re here on this earth, right?

To help people.
To be of service.
To leave your mark.

Whatever your area of expertise, whatever the passion pulsating in your veins, whatever the idea that is bursting out of your being –

You want to make it accessible, clear, and something people want to invest in.

Not just because that’s what’s required to earn $$ doing what you love, but because it will help you make an impact doing what you love.

On this, you are oh-so clear.

But the next steps on how to make it happen? That’s the blurry part.

Where do you start?

  • Listen to podcasts about business?
  • Research what other entrepreneurs are doing?
  • Invest in a self-study course and DIY it?

There are many routes you could take to get this done – and you’ve probably dabbled in all of them.

But the biggest desire you carry is to have another human guiding you.

Someone who is fully invested and immersed in your world – and can help you make moves in the most aligned – “HELL YES!” – way possible.

While you could do it all solo – being scrappy might be your middle name 😉 – you’re tired of:

  • Guessing whether or not you’re on the right track
  • Trying out a strategy and then not seeing the results you want
  • Piecing together a business foundation that feels wobbly
  • Questioning yourself, your value, and your idea almost daily
  • Getting started and then stopping over and over again
  • Feeling like something is “off” or missing in your business
  • Failing to connect with your target audience and attract clients

You want:

  • A roadmap, a mentor, and a community of like-minded people in your corner to journey with – so that this is no longer just “potential” floating in the ether, but your reality.
  • And to marry together both the masculine: the structure, the strategy, the action – with the feminine – the intuition, the flexibility, the creation as you step onto this path because you know both are necessary.

Hey, I’m Blair Badenhop

Intuitive Brand Mentor & Messaging Strategist

For over a decade, I’ve worked with some of the most incredible, world-changing humans on the planet: spiritual teachers, revolutionary thought-leaders, healers, coaches, movement experts, meditation teachers, astrologers, and more.

Like you – every single one of them has a gift. But they struggle to articulate it, package it, and share it in a way that LANDS for people and pulls potential clients in their direction.

My specialty is helping you not only build that bridge – but build it in a way that brings the fullness of who you are to every piece: your message, your website, your social media presence, your brand visuals, and more.

So, it becomes easy for your soulmate clients to SEE you and KNOW you’re their person. That is what it means to create a magnetic brand.

I developed Your Wellness Brand (lovingly known as YWB) to help you build out the structure and substance of your magic and medicine.

Part private mentorship, part group coaching container, it’s designed to not only give you the roadmap, but also the success essentials: community, accountability, and personalized support.

How It Works

Over the course of 14 weeks, you’ll be guided in an intimate group experience to lay a solid foundation for your business, create your most authentic online presence, and learn the skills to effectively market yourself.


Your Truth

Discover how your personal experiences, strengths, and perspective will help you carve out your spot in the wellness industry

Your Business

Solidify the essential foundations of your business: your specialty, your ideal client, your signature method + offers, and more.

Your Brand

Use your personal style, personality, and uniqueness to inspire the details of your online presence: the voice, the vibe, and the visuals.

Your Strategy

Learn an organic marketing strategy you and content creation process you can apply right away to connect with and build your audience.

The Curriculum

Here’s what you’ll learn.
  • WEEK 1: YOUR TRUTH MODULE 1 The first step to creating an authentic brand is pulling your focus inward, connecting to your heart and intuition. Through in-depth writing exercises, we will define the essence of who you are and what makes you unique. RESULT: You, crystal clear on the value you have to offer and exactly what makes you unique.
  • WEEK 2: YOUR STORY, MISSION & VISION MODULE 2 This week is dedicated to clarifying the role wellness and personal growth have played in your life and the “why” behind your work; both of which will help you choose the focus and specialty of your business. RESULT: You, with your unique story, mission statement, and business vision.
  • WEEK 3 & 4: YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE MODULE 3 This week is dedicated to choosing your target audience, creating an ideal client profile, and building the magical language that will give you “client woo-power”, the ability to capture the hearts and eyeballs of your perfect-fit clients. RESULT: You, clear on exactly how to make a meaningful connection with your potential clients.
  • WEEK 5: YOUR METHOD & OFFERINGS MODULE 4 This week is focused on outlining your unique methodology and offerings. We’ll also tackle pricing so that you feel confident charging what you’re worth! RESULT: You, with solid program outlines, descriptions, and structure that will resonate with your target audience.
  • WEEK 6: YOUR BRAND VIBE & AESTHETIC MODULE 5 & 6 This week is dedicated to giving you clarity about your design preferences so that you can create a website that feels like you. Have fun finding websites, logos, photos, and visual elements that align with your style! RESULT: You, clear on the vibe, personality, and voice of your brand.
  • WEEK 7-10: YOUR MESSAGE COPYWRITING 101 Learn my copywriting process so that you can write captivating copy for your website, specifically for your Home, About, and Services page and get it edited by me and another professional copyeditor. RESULT: You with website a message that articulates the magic of what you do and speaks to your target audience.
  • WEEK 11 & 12: YOUR MARKETING STRATEGY MARKETING 101 This week you’ll learn the basics of organic online marketing, including list building, social media content, and more. RESULT: You, with a clear and practical content creation plan and method that works.
  • WEEK 13 & 14: INTEGRATION ACTION PLAN The last 2 weeks will be devoted to putting everything you’ve learned into action: completing your website, choosing a photographer, integrating your social media strategy, and more. I’ll be there to support your decisions and give feedback. RESULT: You, on track to launch your brand and in the process of actively building your authority online.
“I am honestly blown away at the transformation I’ve made in a short period of time. I went from not taking consistent action for fear of failure and judgment, to being secure in my creative process and willing to take big risks. I’m eternally grateful for this program and can’t wait to share all that I’ve learned through my branding and my business. Thank you, Blair!”
Enneagram Expert & Self-Discovery Coach
“Working with Blair through YWB was the best investment I’ve made in my business. This program provided all of the practical things I needed (like my website and a finalized program), but it also provided so much more I wasn’t expecting.”
Kate Miller
Self-Discovery Guide


Content Creation Cheat Sheet

Learn my step-by-step process for not only creating captivating content, but tactically integrating it into your weekly schedule.

Organic Marketing Checklist

Discover the essential daily, weekly, and monthly to-do’s to build both brand awareness on a virtual and local level.

Lead Magnet & Email Sequence Guide

Learn the framework to create a captivating freebie that will build your list of subscribers and an email sequence to nurture them.

Photo Shoot Checklist

Never wind up with photos you don’t love again with this step by step guide on how to prep for your photo shoot.

The Sales Call Formula

Learn the key to having authentic and strategic sales conversations with prospects so that you’re primed to seal the deal.

Podcast Pitch Template

Learn the key formula to writing pitches that set you up for a “Yes” vs. “No” (or just no response).
To any wellness entrepreneur out there looking for direction and focus in their business, YWB is what you need. I spent a year after graduating IIN health coaching private clients, groups, and businesses. I said “yes” to everything and coached on all different topics, I was all over the place and feeling really lost and alone. With YWB I was led by Blair’s knowledge and expertise, motivated to complete the homework and work on my business through the weekly group sessions and inspired by the other woman in my YWB. I was able to find the wellness leader I wanted to be.
Chrissy Jee
Health Coach & Blogger
“Blair is so grounded, steady, and measured in how she listens and responds. I felt heard and seen, and I also trusted that she has an ear for what my Truth is, and an eye for Excellence. I found her to be both encouraging and trusting of my innate compass for my business, and my ability to execute the tasks to get there. The program itself was a solid system to fill in the dots with outer-world action. Blair’s coaching on top of it really personalized it to me.”
Life Purpose Coach & Embodiment Teacher

In 14 weeks, you will:

  • CLARIFY WHO YOU ARE. Define who you really are and clarify the details of what makes you YOU.
  • CHOOSE YOUR FOCUS. Choose an aligned and intuitively driven focus for your business
  • DEVELOP CLIENT “WOO-POWER”. Learn the language of your perfect-fit clients so that you can captivate them
  • CREATE YOUR OFFERS. Develop your signature methodology and core offerings
  • NAIL YOUR MESSAGE. Create compelling website copy, taglines, sales pages, and more (edited by me)
  • CLARIFY YOUR BRAND VIBE & AESTHETIC. Create an online presence that is true to you and transcends industry “saturation”
  • INTEGRATE A SOLID STRATEGY. Learn a conscious marketing and social media strategy to build an adoring audience
  • SHIFT YOUR MINDSET. Move through your biggest mindset blocks to putting yourself out there
  • CONNECT WITH YOUR INTUITION. Cultivate a deep inner trust and connection with your own wisdom

What’s Included

  • MENTORSHIP. Personalized guidance, support, and feedback from me
  • COMMUNITY. A community of heart-led entrepreneurs to call friends and colleagues
  • LIFETIME ACCESS. A tangible step-by-step process to create a unique online presence
  • VIDEO LESSONS. Weekly Video Lessons to introduce the topic of the week
  • COACHING CALLS. Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • PRIVATE 1:1’s. 4 Private 60-minute Coaching Sessions
  • BONUS CLASSES (think: Astrology + Biz and Content Marketing)
  • SPECIAL INVITATION. An exclusive invite to the YWB Alumni community membership

Find out if YWB is the perfect fit for you!

Apply Now

Submit your application below.

Let’s Go


You’re an established entrepreneur who:

  • Has fallen out of love with your current business model
  • Doesn’t feel like your online presence represents who you are anymore
  • Feels all over the place with ideas about how to evolve and shift your focus
  • Can’t clearly articulate what you want to offer and who you want to serve
  • Feels blocked around content creation and isn’t showing up on social media
  • Worries about how pivoting your platform will impact your income
  • Really wants to make aligned changes with intention and with guidance

You’re a newbie entrepreneur who:

  • Has a business idea (or multiple) and doesn’t know how to turn it into a real business
  • Feels overwhelmed with the logistics of creating a website and online presence
  • Fears putting yourself out there on social media because you don’t know how to show up
  • Lacks clarity about what steps to take so you can launch your offer and take on clients
  • Is tempted to look at what other entrepreneurs are doing and follow suit
  • Tries to DIY everything but feels like you’re just spinning your wheels
  • Crave mentorship, accountability, and a roadmap to make progress in the right direction
“I no longer feel scattered and like I am trying to reach into 100 different directions. I feel super confident, clear, and excited about what I am creating, how I am speaking about my work, and who I desire to support. You offer SO MUCH, especially with all your editing and copywriting. It was so worth the investment. YWB accomplished everything I wanted.”
“OMG ALL. THE. THINGS. Thanks to YWB, I completely overhauled my website with the updated copy I created during YWB, I narrowed down my audience so that it’s clear who I support, I created a free Facebook community that already has over 75 people in it and is very engaged, I ran my first 5 day challenge that helped me increase my email list significantly, and have actually had a few inquiries from potential clients for the first time! I also got to know myself so much better and tap into my WHY so that it helps fuel me forward.”
Kendalyn Banks
Self-Discovery Coach
“I just got a new client who said this to me on our discovery call: “When I read through your website, I was thinking – yep, that’s me, that’s me, that’s me…” I know she came into the call prepared to say YES and that’s thanks to the authentic, cohesive copy I got through YWB!”
Life & Career Coach

YWB Grad Stories & Results

Erica Zygelman: From “Just an Idea” to 5 Paying Clients
Caroline Zwickson: Creating a More Aligned Business After 10 Years as a Coach

Ready to create your magnetic brand?

One Last Little Note

If you’re here, then you’re meant to make a difference with your innate gifts and love for helping others to change their lives. Getting from where you are now to where you want to be in your business requires an investment in yourself and your future. This is an opportunity to say yes and start bridging that gap. And I can’t wait to be your mentor, cheerleader, and guide.



  • How long is the YWB program? YWB is a live 15-week long experience.
  • Why are there only 10 spots available? I believe that personalized support is essential when laying the foundation of a business. A maximum of 10 people means, I can provide a lot of 1-1 support throughout that makes this program a collaborative experience.
  • How in-depth are your copyedits? When I receive a website copy draft, I don’t just grammatically edit it. I restructure, rewrite, and rework the entire thing keeping your voice in tact and ensuring it speaks directly to your target audience. On average, I spend up to 3 hours on each YWB student’s copy edits. That’s valued at $1500.
  • How much time is required each week? A maximum of 3 hours per week is required. This includes our weekly call which is 60-90 minutes – and weekly HW takes around 60 minutes as well.
  • When are the group calls? Usually the calls take place on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. You get to choose which one works best for your schedule and time zone. .
  • Are the calls recorded? Yes, every call is recorded in case students run late or have to miss a call.
  • How much 1:1 support would I get? You get 4 private 1:1 calls (60 minutes each), daily access via DM in Slack Mon-Fri, weekly feedback on all HW assignments, and personalized coaching on our group calls. It’s very high touch!
  • Why is a group program a good thing? Absolutely! YWB is a hybrid between 1:1 mentorship and group coaching. Think of it as 1:1 with a beautiful community of entrepreneurs attached that you get to journey with. I’ve found intimate group programs to be the most effective format for transformation and results.
  • How many times a year do you run YWB? I usually open up enrollment 3x per year.
  • How much is YWB? YWB is a multi 4-figure investment with payment plan options over the course of 3, 6, or 9 months. I share all of the details with applicants on a free discovery call.